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2019-09-14/15 WT Final Milovice

Milovice (Benátky nad Jizerou) – Rozhodčí: Glyn Coupar (GB), Paul Hasney (GB)


| GPS: 50.2514244N, 14.8931189E | GPS: 50.2514244N, 14.8931189E


Glyn Coupar (GB)


I have been involved with gundogs and shooting for over 30 years. I have won working tests, novice and open trials, three of which qualified for the retriever championship. I am an A Panel retriever judge and have enjoyed this recognition for the last six years. My judging has taken me to some lovley places such as Austria and Germany.

Paul Hasney (GB)



I’m 33 years old, I currently have 6 Labrador’s which I compete in field trials and working tests… I enjoy picking up & shooting with my dogs throughout the season.


Puppy (E) Class
Novice (L) Class
Intermediate (M) Class
Open (S) Class

14. September 2019 – 8:30
14. September 2019 – 13:00
15. September 2019 – 8:30
15. September 2019 – 13:00


členové RS CZ
nečlenové RS CZ

40,- € | 1000,- Kč
50,- € | 1250,- Kč

Maximum psů:
35 za den

Registrace: nejpozději 30 minut před začátkem každé třídy.

Pro informace o WT kontaktujte:

Romana Chobotská, tel. +420 776 555 613 (CZ, EN)
Ivana Rindošová, tel. +420 777 244 574
Bohumila Lelková, tel. +420 606 628 530
e-mail: info@retrieversport.cz