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2018-09-22/23 WT Final Milovice

Milovice – Rozhodčí: William Rostron (UK), Sara Chichester (UK)


Místo setkání: View Map | GPS: 50°9’27.745″N, 14°47’4.694″E
Adresa události: View Map | GPS: 50°9’27.745″N, 14°47’4.694″E


William Rostron (UK)

My name is William Rostron (known as Bill to my friends) retired company director.

I am married to Pamela with a son and 2 step daughters my son is a very well known Artist in the U.K. and my eldest step daughter is a corporate lawyer, my youngest step daughter is a senior corporate sales manager working for a well known international company .

I have been involved with gun dogs for over 35 years, I became a KC Judge many years ago and have been a field trial secretary for a number of clubs and was chairman of the URC Northern branch for several years.

My interest in gun dogs started when I gave up riding to hounds and found training gun dogs exciting and very enjoyable, I hadn’t realised just how much patience I had and in fact needed to train a successful field trial dog, I enjoy watching all types of dog work and have Judge in many countries, an experience I find rewarding and enjoyable .

Sara Chichester (UK)

My career has been varied and other than gundog training, I have been a trout farmer, fishery manager, a farm secretary, an investment analyst, technical analyst and portfolio manager. I have had dogs and been shooting all my life. I got my first gun (.410) when I was 8 and my first shooting dogs were a terrier and poodle, and later on an Alsatian. Nearly 20 years later I got my first spaniel, followed quickly by a second, which I trained for working on shoots, scurries at Game Fairs and entered my first trial. A few years later, now married to Michael and with a daughter, Maddy, I rescued a Labrador, which led to another, and trained them both for picking up on shoots. I joined the Westward Gundog Society, attending training classes and entering working tests and trials. In 1992 I won my first trial with a home bred dog, Wiscombe Black Pepper, offspring of my rescue dog. I then decided to buy a puppy with field trial breeding and purchased Highdunscott Alice of Wiscombe from Alan Kennard. I also bought a Gordon Setter puppy, as I loved the colour! I won my first Open Trial with the Gordon and then made both dogs up to FTCH. Alice went on to win the IGL Retriever Championship in 1995.


A Panel Retriever Judge (UK KC)
B Panel Pointer & Setter Judge (UK KC)
Chairman Westward Gundog Society
Committee member of Gordon Setter Field Trial Society & Kennel Club Field Trial Committee
Affix ‘Wiscombe’
Represented England in Spaniel Gundog Team at a Game Fair
Represented UK in World Championship of Pointing Dogs in Serbia, Denmark and France
Bred INT FTCH/ITA DUAL CH Wiscombe Shillelagh of Wiscombe (Gordon Setter)
Bred and trained ITA FTCH Wiscombe Tornado (English Springer Spaniel)
Owned, trained & handled Labrador Retriever FTCH Highdunscott Alice of Wiscombe (1995 IGL Championship Winner)
Owned, trained & handled Gordon Setters FTCH Clitters Pippit of Wiscombe & FTCH Little Treasure of Gawcott
Won Trials with 5 different Labradors and awards with 2 Golden Retrievers
Won Trials with 4 ESS and awards with others and with Cocker Spaniels
2017 – Won 6 trials with 5 different breeds: Labrador, ESS, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter and English Setter. I have also won a trial with an English Pointer (in a previous year)
I have judged Retrievers in the UK, Germany & Belgium.

I look forward to judging in the Czech Republic and thank you for inviting me


Puppy (E) Class
Novice (L) Class
Intermediate (M) Class
Open (S) Class

22. September 2018 – 8:30
22. September 2018 – 13:00
23. September 2018 – 8:30
23. September 2018 – 13:00


členové RS CZ
nečlenové RS CZ

40,- € | 1000,- Kč
50,- € | 1250,- Kč

Maximum psů:
35 za den

Registrace: nejpozději 30 minut před začátkem každé třídy.

Pro informace o WT kontaktujte:

Romana Chobotská, tel. +420 776 555 613 (CZ, EN)
Ivana Rindošová, tel. +420 777 244 574
Bohumila Lelková, tel. +420 606 628 530
e-mail: info@retrieversport.cz