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19th Czech WT Championship – WT Final 2023

  • News

The WT Final 2023 was held in September in Milovice. The weather was nice, great atmosphere and fair judges.  At the WT Final 2023 were registered 59 teams, which is even more than in the previous year. We are very happy that promising new participants took part in this event. This year is already the 20th – anniversary.

The winner of WT Final 2023 Open class (S) was three years old dog GR Windingbrooks Cullen Win with handler Brigitte Haiduk. They scored 73 points and got the judge’s choice.

The challenge cup is awarded to the best handler with a dog registered in the Czech stud book. It was a four years old dog FCR Paartal Pioneer’s Montaro (Monty) with handler Romana Chobotska. They scored 71 points together.

Thank you again for the past season!

Your RS Committee