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Back to WT Tour Overview WT TOUR 2011
Total Dog Breed Class Classification Placement Intotal
1 Int. FTCH Blackthorn Biham LR 80 75 24 179
2 Blackthorn Gandalf LR 80 50 14 144
3 Aschley aurora polaris LR 60 45 8 113
3 Conneywarren Cody LR 60 45 8 113
4 Blackthorn Dubhe LR 60 35 16 111
5 Amina z Pálfyho dvora LR 40 60 10 110
6 Woodquarter Gundogs' Alabama LR 80 25 4 109
7 Edith Artesia Bohemica GR 80 20 6 106
7 Icke Regent Plus LR 80 20 6 106
8 Swiftwit Always A Shooting Star GR 80 20 0 100
9 Laokolé LR 80 15 4 99
10 An Woodquarter Arlet Star LR 40 50 8 98
11 An Ross Arlet Star LR 40 55 2 97
11 Antoinette Riverdance Bohemia LR 80 15 2 97
12 Blackthorn Izar LR 40 50 6 96
13 Springwater Aureen Joyce FCR 80 15 0 95
14 Unique Hunters Alamo LR 80 10 4 94
15 Blackthorn Justurna LR 40 45 8 93
16 Blackthorn Giansar LR 60 25 6 91
17 Amanda Aguzannis LR 40 40 10 90
17 Jury vom Goldberg GR 80 10 0 90
18 Claim to fame You're the Inspiration LR 40 40 8 88
19 Abby Vltavský tuleň LR 60 25 2 87
20 Blackthorn Enki LR 60 20 6 86
21 Dasha Aschinta Libami CBR 40 40 2 82
22 Angel of Brookbank LR 40 35 6 81
22 Chayenne von der Königsburg LR 40 35 6 81
23 Blackthorn Hiram LR 60 15 2 77
24 Diana's Doro von Bauernhirschtal GR 60 10 4 74
25 Angel of Adamarden LR 60 5 6 71
26 Lasie z Ročkova LR 40 30 0 70
26 deep-glen Dash LR 60 10 0 70
27 Crown Joelle von der Königsburg LR 40 25 4 69
28 Bonnie von der Atterseewelle LR 60 5 2 67
29 Blackthorn Grus LR 40 20 6 66
29 Enki's Enya v. Bauernhirschtal GR 40 20 6 66
29 Gödöllöi-Huncút Vadász Filipó LR 40 20 6 66
30 Evergreen Vetcare Bohemia GR 40 20 4 64
30 Gina von der Atterseewelle LR 40 20 4 64
31 Ann Amelia Arlet Star LR 20 35 8 63
32 Emma Jess Bellanous Bohemia GR 40 20 0 60
33 DUAL CH. Fellini The Dream Team GR 40 15 2 57
33 Ragweed's Hobby LR 40 15 2 57
34 Avalanche Black Slate LR 40 15 0 55
34 Deep-Glen Earl of Smile LR 40 15 0 55
34 Duc de Bonne Chasse LR 40 15 0 55
34 Leana Gypsys's Soul CCR 40 15 0 55
34 MultiCH Benny z Makových dvorů GR 40 15 0 55
35 Sakura Kaiserov dvor LR 20 25 6 51
36 Arza Hubertova leč LR 40 10 0 50
36 Deep Glen Crys LR 40 10 0 50
36 Dual CH. Dorris Aurea Rosa GR 40 10 0 50
36 Dustin Vltavský tuleň LR 40 10 0 50
36 Sandy z Muchovy boudy LR 40 10 0 50
37 Flying Flap Ears Frederike LR 20 20 6 46
37 Leadhills Hunting Incredible Sumitra LR 20 20 6 46
38 Amélia z Pálfyho Dvora LR 20 15 0 35
38 Aranka od Čertovy brázdy CBR 20 15 0 35
38 Bonnie ze Starého Brázdima FCR 20 15 0 35
38 Buddy Pouštní vítr GR 20 15 0 35
38 Diana's Daisy v. Bauernhirschtal GR 20 15 0 35
39 Chandler od Himalájského cedru LR 20 10 4 34
40 Blackthorn Ivor LR 20 10 2 32
41 Ballantine Riverdance Bohemia LR 20 10 0 30
41 Eres Mia del Atrapasuenos GR 20 10 0 30
42 Arkin z Botičských Meandrů GR 20 5 0 25
42 Bonnie od Rybníka Kamenný GR 20 5 0 25